Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Movie Reviews

By Sandor Hugert

Out of all of the highly anticipated movies that have came out, this one was probably one of the most anticipated and in my opinion the most disappointing. It was pretty obvious from the previews that the whole movie was just going to be about huge explosions and things falling apart while these huge robots are fighting each other. I thought that there would actually be a good story line behind these amazing fight scenes, but I was wrong. There is hardly any story line to be found in the whole movie. The fight scenes were pretty cool, but at times you really couldn’t see much considering that the camera was focused on Sam (the main character), and the robots were just in the background fighting. There were some actually really funny parts in the movie though even though the movie wasn’t meant to be a comedy. The actors and actresses did a wonderful job portraying their characters. One weird thing was that some characters such as a woman who tried to find these robots that hacked into their system, really didn’t serve any kind of role in the movie except just the fact that she was actually there to help out. The robots looked really cool, but it just seemed like at many times they were trying really hard to advertise the new cars that transformed into robots. There were times when the cars were moving, but the camera was mainly just focused on the Chevrolet symbol. I don’t mind advertising in movies, but in this one they just took it a little too far. I was pretty disappointed with this movie since I thought that it was one of the worst movies of the summer, but it was better than Evan Almighty. I hope that they make the sequel a lot better since it’s pretty obvious that they will make a Transformers 2 after the great box office success that this movie had.

Score: 5 out of 10

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